Herbal Bathsalts- 350g Refill our bottle with your favourite bathsalt blend.
A mix of Epsom salts, Himalayan pink salts, Dead sea salts, Dried herbs, Fruit peel and Organic Essential oils for a relaxing therapeutic bath.
Choose from these blends
ON CLOUD NINE- Salts with dried rose petals, Essential oils: Rose, Ylang-ylang, Vetiver.
To aid in improving low mood
DREAM WORLD- Salts with Dried Lavender and chamomile flowers, Essential oils: Lavender, Ylang-ylang & Patchouli.
To promote a good nights sleep
LADY MADONNA- Salts with Dried marigold, Rose and lavender, Essential oils: Sweet orange, Lavender & rose.
To improve after birth healing and reduce swelling
TAKE IT EASY-Salts with Dried mint, Lemon peel, Essential oils: Eucalyptus, Lemongrass & Vetiver.
To relieve muscular cramp, aches and pains, arthritis.
SHINING STAR- Salts with Dried Juniper berries, Orange peel, Essential oils: Frankincense, Myrrh, Sweet orange & Juniper. Can reduce stress and tension
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